Friday, October 05, 2007

Did You Know !?

You learn something new everyday! A friend of mine just recently made a comment about men breastfeeding and I thought she was kidding!!! No folks - she was serious. I googled it and IT'S TRUE - a bit scary - but true!

Here's a quote from one website, "It is possible, and has been observed in animals and humans. In 1992, 18 Dayak fruit bats were captured from a rainforest in the Krau Game Reserve, Pahang, Malaysia. Of the 10 mature males captured, each had functional mammary glands from which small amounts of milk were expressed. A breast is a breast. Male lactation is physiologically possible and, according to Dr. Robert Greenblatt, production in males can be stimulated by letting a baby suckle for several weeks. Indeed some human males secrete milk at birth and at puberty.Historically, male lactation was noted by the German explorer Alexander Freiherr von Humboldt prior to 1859, who wrote of a 32-year-old man who breastfed his child for five months. It was also observed in a 55-year-old Baltimore man who had been the wetnurse of the children of his mistress."

Even Wikipedia acknowledges that it is in fact possible!

Alex has already declared that he has NO interest in becoming one of the few, the proud, the men who breastfeed!

1 comment:

Barb W said...


I love your blog. I can always count on you to boost my day with a chuckle or in this case (breast-feeding men) a belly laugh. I don't think they could take the sore nipples!

Barb Willard