Friday, March 07, 2008

Photo Diary

This morning I work up and did this. body won't quite cooperate and achieve this in the early a.m., but I did do all other kinds of weird contortions! Alex LOVES yoga and has been begging me to join him in his early morning workout...and my excuses finally ran out. It doesn't seem right that my husband is more graceful and rhythmic than me, but he promises I will get better. I know if I want to have a good laugh, all I have to do is get out an aerobics tape and watch him try to keep up : ) guess it is all about practice!

Yesterday I read the March issue of National Geographic - it is fascinating...if you love animals and wonder just how much they can think/reason, etc. You can read the "Inside Animals Minds" article online by clicking here. One part of the story talks about parrot who when asked what the similarity between to different green objects was - verbally responded, "Color!" I also love the part about a dog who is shown a new toy for the first time in a photograph. Then he's asked to go find it. He leaves the room, sorts through a bunch of new toys on the floor and brings back the one from the picture! There are many other cool stories with dolphins, birds, etc.

Tonight I'm going on a hot date to this restaurant, Bruno's, with some good friends. A fellow cheapskate friend showed me this website, where you can buy gift certificates for local restaurants at a discount. We purchased a $25 gift certificate for $10 (minimum purchase of $50). So we are going to have a $50 meal for $35! Check out the restaurants who participate in your area.

Before dinner, we are going to Remington's to walk through the free exhibit on AIDS in Africa. To reserve your tickets (or to find out if it is coming to your city) click here.

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