We started a Love & Logic (parenting class) last night. My parents are teaching it - which always brings out amusing stories sourced from Andrew & I's childhood. Thankfully, this particular class is aimed at young children - and everyone in the class has a 2 or 3 year old - so we can all relate! Our homework was to come up with an empathic but brain dead response to whining/arguing. Need less to say, I've said the phrase, "How sad" 50+ times today. I'm really hoping for some good tools to end bedtime battles and reduce tantrums!
Oooh please share. I wanted to do the class but my schedule right now is a little nutty so I opted to not participate. I want to hear how to deal with whining ;)Cute pics of the girls. Can you believe they are almost 2?!
Love the new header and I'm SHOCKED at how big the girl's are getting! They are adorable!!
Let me know if you get anything good for whining! I'm REAL tired of that one!
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