Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happier With Three

I was telling Alex last night how I'm enjoying being a stay at home mom of three children WAY more than being a SAM of two children. Perhaps it was because the girls were getting to the point where they wanted me to entertain them frequently and they were easy enough that I had plenty of free time to feel guilty if I didn't oblige them! However, now with Stella joining the mix - the girls are learning to play a bit more independently and I have LOTS more to keep me busy and free from boredom!!!

I know I'm sure I'll be wishing for boredom soon enough... I think because I'm more pressed for time, I'm enjoying each moment a bit more. The bits of time I have to solely focus on the girls or Stella or myself or talking with Alex, etc. I guess all of this is in keeping with the fact that I tend to get more done when I have more to do...I'm one of those people who needs a deadline and tends to relax if there are only a few things on the to-do-list and not accomplish much of anything!!

Here's pictures of some of the produce from the garden my Dad planted for us. The girls had fun picking the vegetables...but eating them...not so much! We had the green beans for dinner last night and plan to have BLTs tonight.

Bath time with bubbles as requested by Mina & Addie.

The girls were dying to lay in Stella crib and watch the mobile one day while she was napping in the bassinet in my room - I finally caved. They have grown & changed SO MUCH in the two years since they were babies laying under the same mobile!

And pictures of Stella this time...she's such a sleeper that she's usually tucked away somewhere snoozing when all of the action is happening!

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