Monday, June 25, 2007

Male Caller

The girls had their first male caller today. Jonathan and Janel Metsker came for a visit. They lounged, they dined, and they made eyes at each other. As you can see, Belle was feeling sorely left out and kept watch from outside!


Anonymous said...

Now wait a minute here... did Mr. Metsker have to fill out the application!? ha kidding - hope you are enjoying your summer... have any time for an old college roommate to stop in for a visit sometime? I am toying with a possible visit to St. Louis, which, if you wouldn't mind, may lend itself to a visit to Springfield. Didn't know if you would be up to a visit with a couple of crazy boys... you know, adding to the two girls and two dogs you have already. Love, Sherri

Anonymous said...

I suggest that all males are filtered through the Grampa. He understands boys and knows what they are thinking.

Add and Jaz will come to appreciate this service for them I am sure...

Grampa Baker