Sunday, August 02, 2009

Stella Stella, the Shoe Clinic, & MORE TWINS!

Sweet Stella continues to be such a pleasure! She's been smiling (not on camera yet - but we'll keep trying) and cooing. The girls love to coo back and we all see if we can eek yet another grin out of her. She's being to become a bit more predictable in her waking and eating which is nice for all involved!

Stella was having a rough (crabby) night last week so we tried the washer/dryer trick and she was out like a light. Addie also loved the noise of the laundry room!

This is the "shoe clinic". Here's how the game is played.

• I tell them to get their shoes on.
• Mina says, "Ad - help Mina."
• Addie runs and gets the stool and says, "Mina - sit here."
• And then Mina leisurely reclines while Addie puts her shoes on for her.

Can you tell which one likes to have things done for her and who prefers to do it "All by self!"

And the BIG NEWS of the week is....I'm going to be an aunt of twins! My brother, Andrew, and his wife, Sarah, went for their routine 20 week ultrasound on Friday and discovered that there were not one, but TWO babies in there!!! I didn't believe him at first when he told me...I don't think he believed it at first either. What are the odds that both my brother and I would both have twins! They are not finding out gender and don't know if the twins are fraternal or identical. Sarah was due around Christmas...but maybe they'll arrive a bit sooner now? Alex and I are SO EXCITED for them!! Send them a congrats if you haven't already.

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