Sunday, March 25, 2007

One week and one day

We are getting very very close to being parents! Ah - a little frightening, a little exciting, and a little relieving (for my body at least). I cannot go out in public without drawing a crowd of onlookers. I'm serious! I was at TJMaxx the other day and men and women were coming up to me saying things like, "It must be about time," "You're not going to go into labor in the store are you?" or my favorite "My sister-in-law and I were just talking about you over there - you're having twins aren't you - you're just too big to be having one baby." I was just amazed at her bravery to ask - if she was wrong....the response might not have been so pleasant!

We've spent this weekend doing all the last minute baby stuff - buying wipes, changing pad, washing sheets, blankets, etc. Today we've got to clean out some closets so my mother-in-law has room to settle in for six weeks, and the babies actually have a closet to call their own. This week we still have one more peditrician to interview, a routine doctor's appointment, fetal monitoring, and a pre-admission appointment for my C-section. I've managed to transfer all but one client - so work should be pretty quiet this week. I still am trying to squeeze in some pre-parent activities - cake tasting with a friend who is getting married and a possible decorating consultation with another new friend.

Thus far, I've gained 55 lbs. I'm curious to see how much is the babies, the placentas, the fluid, etc. - and then how much of it I get to own and work on myself! I'm still dreaming about wearing jeans - had a very vivid jean dream last night.

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