Monday, September 29, 2008

Straws and Slippers

Oh - how we LOVE straws and slippers. We took the girls out to eat last night and they had their first smoothies. They were a BIG HIT! In fact, I think very little of the rest of the meal was eaten. It was a bit confusing for them that they didn't need to tip the cup up...still working on that. Fortunately, the thick consistency of the smoothie helped keep the liquid in the bottom so they weren't just sucking air!

The girls also have their own slippers - elephants and duckies - which Addie the shoe fanatic loves - Jasmine of course could care less!

Only 6 more days until Grandma & Grandpa Green arrive from Zimbabwe! Yeah!

Alex's parents decided that they wanted the girls to call them "Grumpy" & "Gogo". We've been practicing with pictures of them - pointing and saying "Grumpy" & "Gogo". The girls versions were "Bumpy, Bobo, Mumpy, Momo, Dumpy, Dodo..." I think they have just now got the "G" sound. On Friday, I was hurrying them along saying, "Come on - let's go" over and over again as I tried to get them in the car. Then as we backed out of the driveway, they started chanting, "Go, Go, Go!!!" So, I think they may actually be able to say "Grumpy & Gogo" just in time!

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Love it! Rachael's a shoe fanatic too. I think she and Addie will someday make great shopping partners... :)