Friday, December 21, 2007


Have I mentioned how grateful I am to have twins?! I was reading my Twins magazine I got in the mail yesterday, and all the stories and letters to the editor made me happy to part of this unique group. There were some letters I read in amazement...but relieved to not be totally in the same boat! There were two women who had written in who had two sets of twins, one set was 11 months apart, and the other set was 13 months apart...yowzer!

I know it is in the realm of possibility that we could have another set of twins - normal average for anyone to have twins is 1 in 80 - BUT once you've had fraternal twins (without fertility meds) you odds are 1 in 20. I sort of feel like we are the 1 in 20 kind of family!!! Seriously think about - my husband is from Zimbabwe of all places, our house was struck by lightening a month after we bought it and caught on fire, we have twins - we are the kind of people who would have two sets of twins! That is why we aren't even thinking about more kids until these girls can go to school!

The evenings that Alex comes home and I go see clients, I'm relieved to leave the house and get out on my own without a double stroller, diaper bags, etc. However, when I return home I already miss their little faces and can't wait until morning to see them again! The best part about the stage that they are in now is that they can physically express attachment to us. Addie is starting to kiss. They are both reaching for us & cuddling. Even when I just sit next to Addie on the floor, she pats my leg and looks up at me and smiles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! You know though, with all of your "luck" you guys are the kind of people who really would take it in stride and end up with totally well adjusted kids! We hope you have a Merry Christmas--Enjoy this one--you won't get the first one back again. We miss you guys!
Kim and Ricky =)