Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day! is so nice to have Alex home on holiday! The girls love having extra time with him and I love having extra time to breath! : ) My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew are in town as well as some of their friends & family who are arriving today. We were going over the menu last night and whew - there is going to be a lot of food!

Things I am thankful for:

H - Honda Pilot (Our new larger vehicle!)
A - Applesauce (A food my girls will always eat - good fall back)
P - Pie (Rumor has it we will be having pecan, apple, & pumpkin)
P - Pancakes, French Toast, and all the other breakfast items Alex makes on Saturday mornings
Y - You - all my friends and family who keep me sane on a regular basis as we move through each new phase of life

T - Turkey Trot (The 5K Alex is running right now with the girls while I relax at home)
H - Hot Showers (Sometimes the only indulgence of the day)
A - Alex (My perfect mate - we are such a good fit and he's the best dad to our girls...although I'm pretty sure they'll love him more when they become teenagers!)
N - Nana & Papa (We love how our girls get weekly contact with my parents - they all get excited when they see each other and we can only imagine how this will grow over the years)
K - Kisses & Hugs (It is the best now that the girls know how to show their affection)
S - Sugar (Can't imagine life or food without it!)
G - My girls (They are so different and so amazing. They were making us laugh so hard the other night while they played in the bath - love them love them love them)
I - Imagination & the ability to create (I enjoy using my imagination as much as I enjoy the results of others' imaginations - books, movies, art, decoration, etc.)
V - Vino!
I - Icky, yucky, messy, and all the other fun words my girls are learning to say.
N - Netflix (Because seeing a movie in the theater when you have small children is nearly impossible)
G - God - thankful for the relationship He has created us to have with Him, thankful for the amazing church we have found and love, thankful for the talents He give authors to write meaningful books like "The Shack"

And some photos from this week:

Alex put the girls up in a tree yesterday....Jasmine looks cool as a cucumber here...but her real demeanor is captured below!

Can you tell who is the risk-taker and who is not!?

The girls wanted me to read them a book, but I was cooking so I told them to go read it themselves...and the clever little monkeys actually did. It was pretty funny...since they can't really read! Addie has had enough of the paparazzi and was insisting I hand over the camera.

1 comment:

Kari said...

They are so cute in their little fleeces! And growing so fast! I hope you had a fabulous time with your family and friends.