Saturday, November 01, 2008

Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas

For a week, we stayed at a timeshare in Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas. It was MADNESS packing the van and getting ready for the trip. Thankfully it was only a 3.5 hour drive to our destination. The girls were pretty good in the car and even better when they were bribed with suckers!

Since they couldn't bring all their toys from home, the girls improvised with some kitchen utensils!

One of Addie and Jasmine's favorite features of the timeshare was the rocking chairs on our porch. They'd wander out there and rock and look at each other and giggle and rock! Very sweet!

Alex's parents gave us LOTS of time off and took walks with the girls, played on the beach, ate tea & toast, watched cartoons, and all other things 1.5 year olds love!

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