We are still trying to figure out how to have a napping schedule. Right now, the girls do everything in the living room during the day. I know they should be napping the nursery, but the problem is than that I end up with the girls in seperate rooms simultaneously screaming as I try to settle one. I've been reading that they'd nap longer if they were in a quiet, dark room...and didn't have the dogs barking and running by on their way to chase a squirrel! Still trying to figure this one out...especially since Jasmine doesn't sleep as well as Addison since it seems her reflux wakes her up more frequently.
We are going to celebrate the 4th with my mom's family in K.C. on Wednesday - the girls first overnight trip.
Here's a just a starter list of all the gear we have to bring:
2 swings (they sleep in them at night due to the acid reflux)
2 bouncy seats (daytime sanity savers)
2 carseats
1 double stroller
10+ outfits due to the volumes of spit up and poop splatters we may encounter
2 Baby Bjorns
one LOUD fan we use for white noise
baby moniter
As insane as this list seems...it feels doable since we are going in my parents' large van. What I am concerned about is our upcoming trip to Canada in the beginning of September. The fact that we are flying severely limits the amount of baby gear we will be able to bring!

The girls aren't a big fan of "tummy time" - I keep subjecting them and myself to their screaming and squirming in hopes that I don't delay their crawling! : ) I've heard that babies with reflux are less likely to want to be on their bellies...more painful I guess for them.
Anyway...Happy Monday!
hahaha, we understand that extensive packing list, minus the doubles. We're heading out for the week but we also have to bring the pack-n-play; how will all this fit into our Accord?! Who knows! Finally, the babies will get to meet, see you all in 2 days! Good luck getting everything to KC! NCH has acid reflux too, no fun, especially with nursing!
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