Friday, March 14, 2008


Nancy has tagged me! These are the rules!

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Six non-important things about me:

1. I have an old food phobia. It's not that I don't like leftovers, but there is this internal alarm that goes off if Alex suggest eating something out of the fridge that is 4-5+ days old. It instantly makes me want to gag, I fear whatever it is while make me very ill, etc. I'm not sure where this came from - perhaps my bachelorette days when I would regularly think my cereal tasted funny only to figure out that my milk had spoiled again - blahk!

2. Many of you know that I studied in India for six months in college, but not everyone knows about the time I sold my body to go to England. Okay, so that sounds worse than what it was...I participated in some medical testing in college for a whopping $1,020 which I promptly spent on a plane ticket and week long trip to London!

3. When I first met my husband, he'd call and leave messages on the answering machine to check-in, invite me and my roommate out, etc. Leah and I would save the messages (regardless of content) just to listen to his accent over and over and over again! : )

4. My brother and I are the original unoriginals! Let me explain - we both strove to be different from our parents - wanting to be unique. I became a graphic designer and he pursued acting. That lasted about 3 years! He's now a principal and I'm a therapist. What do our parents do you ask - well my mom's a therapist and my dad is a principal!

5. Doing laundry has dramatically improved thanks to this little gadget - I have contemplated at one point buying one for everyone I know for Christmas...oh if only you were so lucky!

6. Alex gives me a piggyback ride or fireman carries me to bed every night! We usually end laughing hysterically and it is one strategy to keep us young! : )

I tag:
1.) Lisa
2.) Alex
3.) Angie
4.) Lauren
5.) Sabrina
6.) Amy (anything to get more posts!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey you crazy kids! Thanks for keeping me updated on the Adventures of the your blog!

I noticed that Mim left me a plea for reassurance regarding yoga...stick with it! There is hope...when I first started I could only do 10 minutes, and that was after much sweating, huffing and puffing, and falling over. I couldn't touch my toes either...not that its a requirement for yoga, cuz its not. I will say that physiologically people will differ in their range of motion due to their ligaments and tendons, so if you are not able to go as deep into the pose, it may just take some time to stretch the muscles, or it just may be that structurally you're not going to go into the "full" pose. But hey...that's not the point of yoga anyway! If you can find joy and ease in a modified version of the pose, do it! If you are interested in some additional resources, I'd be happy to recommend some additional DVD's...just let me know.

P.S. I noticed your "Tag" blog entry and that you had my name that really me or some other Angie? Feel free to link to my blog if you think others would be interested (I know...I'm sort of an outsider to the Green Loop, but thanks for thinking of me!)

Love to all--Angie