Monday, March 03, 2008

Who is That?!

Yowzer! I vowed I won't cut my hair until I saw the 150's on the scale (so what if it was 159.8)! : ) I had my hair dresser save my hair in a ponytail so I could sent it in for Locks of Love. It measures 11 inches! I'd show you a picture, but Alex and I both think it looks too something from a witch doctor (amazing how quickly hair becomes yucky once it is no longer attached to your body)!

Anyways - I digress! So the hair is gone and it is crazy how much it changes the way my face looks. I'm sure I'll be globbing way too much shampoo & conditioner on for days to come. I've also realized that my neck is suddenly cold and will be wearing a scarf until the warm spring weather returns!


bakersinspringfield said...

Your father and I both agree that you look MUCH better. We like the short hair. Good for you!

The D's said...

Wow, you look great! It's amazing the difference a haircut makes! It's like looking at 2 different people. Congrats on making it to the 150's! You are truely an inspiration! Keep up the good work!

Kristine said...

Love it! That's a great cut for you! I bet it felt good to ship your hair to a good cause, too. :)

Lauren said...

WOW! What a HOT MAMA! You look incredible! I thought you looked good before, but amazingly the short hair makes you look even MORE thin and trim. I've been growing mine out (it's the length of your "before" pic) and I thought cutting mine would make me look older, but I think you just disproved that theory. It's a new, super slender, smartly-styled, out of debt you... you go girl!

Sab Mad said...

Love the hair! Love it! You look quite sophisticated..

I've donated mine a couple times before and it really is creepy to see that ponytail of hair missing a head.

Angie said...

Love LOVE the hair!! You look so cute. Hope to see you soon - back to work....

Anonymous said...

It looks so chic and you look younger! Congratulations on the weight loss too.

Anonymous said...

nice new hair do mrs green. very snazzy!!!

Anonymous said...

You look WONDERFUL!! Love the very stylish cut! You've always been great about changing it up! You don't even look like you had twins 11 months ago--you're such an encouragement! Kim =)

Anonymous said...

I love it! You look spectacular!