Sunday, April 13, 2008

Texas Trip

I had a GREAT time with my parents in Texas visiting my new nephew, Sawyer. I never thought riding in a car for 10 hrs. straight could be so utterly enjoyable! It was wonderful - I know I sound truly deprived - but to just get to sit and read or chat or stare out the window was bliss!

Here's a great picture of my mom holding Sawyer, with my brother Andrew in the background.

This was a funny moment when someone parked their car inches from my parents' car at a restaurant. My dad had to climb over the passenger's seat to get in...and let's just say he isn't as nimble as he once was~! : )

Sawyer giving his mom, Sarah, a grin!

Sawyer, snug as a bug, in the arms of his godmother, Gretchen!

Here's a picture of my sister-in-law, Sarah, with Sawyer at his baptism. Doesn't she look amazing for having a newborn?! Sickening really! : )

The five of us (sans Alex and the girls who were back home) at Sawyer's baptism. Check out my trendy mom in her stylish new dress! We both had fun shopping for her during this weekend - since she lost weight at the same time a majority of her clothes no longer fit. I'm loving helping her infuse a little extra style into her new wardrobe!

1 comment:

Kari said...

You and your mom both look great! Austin's an awesome city!