Friday, April 18, 2008

Upward Mobility

Addie has discovered the joy of climbing! Her strategy consists of pushing her larger toys up to furniture thus creating a makeshift staircase to her desired location. The only major difficulty is the descent! I try not to interfere too much on this part, because I want her to figure out how to get down. I've already taught her the "lay on your belly and push until your feet hit the floor" method, but it appears she prefers the "careen head first off of a tall object onto a hard floor" strategy.

Jasmine has only just discovered the wide world of climbing. Her most common maneuver is pictured above. Of course, this is usually discouraged because she then begins to plifer dirty dishes off the counter and throws her newly acquired loot on the floor!

Both girls have made great strides in their mobility in the last few weeks. Addie now walks about 50% of the time. She still likes it when we hold her hand and walk with her - but she does not like it when we also hold her sister's hand. Jazzie tends to slow the walk down to a snail's pace and Addie prefers much more speed!

Jazzie is just now getting the hang of push toys. Previously, she'd push but forget to walk so she'd end up face first into the carpet. Now she is keeping up - her legs are just a little stiff (picture walking yourself without bending your knees!)

The most significant development with Jasmine is that she now sticks out her tongue (as seen above) for an activity that she deems fun/exciting. Swinging - tongue out, playing - tongue out, climbing - tongue out, laughing - tongue out, picking up dad from work - tongue out! You get the idea. It is funny to watch her figure out that she's got her tongue out, then up goes her little hand to stick a finger into her protruding"hum, what is this thing anyway?"


The D's said...

Wow, the girls are growing up so fast! I'm glad you updated us about their mobility, I think everything changes once they have that independence, here comes the lovely toddler years!

Sab Mad said...

they are SO big!