Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Tornados, Babies, & No Basement!

This picture accurately describes how Alex and I felt about being parents of two infants amidst  the slew of tornados that passed through our area yesterday. The sirens started going off just as Alex was coming home from work around 5:30 and they continued throughout the night with the last storm passing through at 3:45 am!!! It was a very long night! We didn't do anything but watch the weather radar on TV. Since we don't have a basement, and my parent's house that has a basement is across town, we called our neighbors to see if we could come over if the weather got bad enough. It such a hard call to make to wake sleeping babies and take them across the street when the storm may or may not get close. We watched closely and decided to stay put. 

However, when we were awoken at 3 am by sirens once again - we decided this one was serious enough to get in the bathroom. So there we were - with two newly woken babies, the dogs, a papasan cushion and the bathtub! I know - you're all jealous you weren't here too! The girls were THRILLED to be awake and thought it was EXTRA FUN to be in the bathtub together. We were a little afraid they won't go back to sleep, but they did! 

Some of Springfield has damage, but most of the serious damage is in outlying towns around the area. Several schools are closed (missing roofs, etc.)! I was SO enjoying my walk with the girls in the warm weather yesterday...little did I know we would be paying for the record temperatures later that night. Alex and I are very thankful that we are safe but have thought about getting one of those cement bunkers installed in our backyard...would that make us one of the crazies??? : )

Here's are my nine month old little girls looking cute!

Here's some pictures from playtime! We just introduced the little car this weekend. Addie loves to have Alex push her and even puts her legs up...Jasmine is still figuring this out! 

Ah, and this is our favorite activity - find mom wherever she is and crawl on her, pull up on her, insist to be held by her at the same time, and if our needs aren't meet on demand make faces like the first picture in this post!

1 comment:

The D's said...

Thanks for posting, I was worried about you guys, all I heard was that Springfield had some tornado's. Glad to see everyone doing well! Love the Mommy picture!