Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Good News!

We started working on paying off our $10,000 in credit card debt as our New Year's Resolution. We sold one car to pay off the first big chunk, and then have been allocating a large portion of our income & extra cash towards paying it down.

Here is our latest progress! Alex got a nice bonus from his work (yearly bonuses always come at this time of year for his company). That money combined with Ebay sales and all the other extra cash we scraped together (sold stuff on craigslist, freelance design jobs, etc.) leaves us with only $1,500 left to go! We actually have that $$$ plus a bit more in our checking account - it's our tax return - we're just waiting for it to clear so we can kiss this debt GOODBYE!

I can't believe how quickly we've been able to pay this off - truly amazing! I definitely feel like we've been blessed to not have any major car repairs or home expenses during this time so we could concentrate on paying this off! It is incredible that we will have this paid off in two months and we've been letting it cripple our finances for 3+ years....all of the sacrifices have definitely been worth it! Never again, never again!


The D's said...

Wow, you guys are amazing! How nice it will feel to have that burden off your shoulders! Congrats! It's definetly inspiring!

Lauren said...

Wow!!! What a major blessing! Congrats you two. I bet you feel like you can tackle the world with that out of the way!

Your discipline is inspiring. =)